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Effective date: 1st of January 2019


The|Tides Wellness : Trade name of the private company with limited liability MadebyStudiokA B.V. with its registered offices in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, registered with the Trade Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 61076236, or any of its group companies. (hereafter “TTW”).

Partners: Any party which has or will have a contractual relationship of any nature with The| Tides Wellness

The Parties: TTW and the Partner jointly.

The Products and Services: Each and any product or/and accessories, treatments/retreats, trainings, treatment manuals, protocols, videos, images manufactured, sold, distributed and/or supplied by TTW.


These General Terms and Conditions apply to all legal relationships between the TTW and Partners, including all agreements, offers, quotations, and other legal acts relating to the Products and Services.

TTW reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.


Partners can order through TTW Pro website. This direct line of order can only be accessed by Partners approved by TTW. When experiencing difficulty login or accessing the wholesale web shop, please contact TTW.

  • Minimum Spend: There is a minimum spend for the initial wholesale opening order
  • Minimum Quantity: For the initial opening order, a minimum quantity of 3 SKU of each product on the order is required.
  • Repeat Orders: Repeat wholesale orders have a minimum spend amount. Please note minimum spend amounts do not include shipping costs.
  • Minimum Spend: There is a minimum spend for the initial opening order.
  • Repeat Orders: Repeat orders have a minimum spend amount Please note minimum spend amounts do not include shipping costs.

Shipping costs are dependent on weight and vary depending on the delivery address for the order. Shipping will be charged on checkout.

TTW works with the most trusted and cost-effective couriers to ensure shipping costs are kept as low as possible.

Shipping costs will be complimentary above an order of € 500 ex. VAT for Partners located within the Benelux.

Shipping costs for Partners outside the Benelux will be charged in full unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.

Orders shipped shall be delivered “ex works”. The term “ex works” as used in this Agreement refers to Incoterms 2000.

Orders shipped to countries outside the European Union may be subject to import taxes, local VAT, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. Any such additional charges must be borne by the Partner. These fees remain the sole responsibility of the Partner and are not included   in   TTW’s international   shipping fees.

Please note that when shipping orders outside the European Union, cross border shipments may be   subject   to   opening   and   inspection   by   customs   authorities. In respect of all orders dispatched to the Partner to an address outside   the European Union, the Partner is deemed to be the importer of the goods and must therefore comply with all the laws and regulations of the country into which the goods are being delivered.

TTW shall provide the Partner at its request with all the adequate transport insurance details required upon the request of the other party. The Partner acknowledges and accepts that TTW will not transport orders without adequate transport insurance. The costs in relation to (arranging for) transport insurance shall always remain the sole responsibility of the Partner.

Partners are registered as a VAT vendor for purposes of the VAT Act and registered at the local chamber of commerce.


In the absence of written agreement to the contrary, payment shall be due in advance by bank transfer. The costs of payment transactions shall be borne by the Partner.

For Opening Orders: Once payment has been received the Opening Order will be distributed to the Partner. Due to production schedules, it may take up 3 to 4 weeks once payment has been received to ship the order.

For Repeat Orders: Once payment has been received the Repeat Order will be distributed to the Partner. Due to production schedules, it may take up 2 to 3 weeks once payment has been received to ship the order.

Orders will be delivered to the address nominated by the Partner at the time of ordering.

Orders shipped to an address in the Netherlands should arrive within two days of dispatch. Most European addresses arrive within five days of dispatch but can take up to 10 days. Delivery times outside the EU can vary depending on the region of the address. TTW is not responsible for any shipping delays incurred by any third-party courier, including but not limited to weather or storm delays.

Preferred Payment Terms : to be eligible for an account with preferred payment terms, the Partner must be approved by TTW.

An invoice will be issued to the Partner upon dispatch of the products, services and/or, trainings. Value Added Tax will be added to all orders placed within the Netherlands, which is payable by the Partner.

Any variations on TTW payment terms will be stated on individual invoices and agreed to prior to order fulfilment.

Failure to pay on time will result in late payment charges which shall be calculated in accordance with statutory commercial interest of Section 6:119a of the Dutch Civil Code (as amended) from the date the payment was originally due until the date of actual payment. TTW reserves the right to add interest at the current legal rate to all TTW invoices that are not paid within 14 days (or within an alternative timescale agreed prior to order confirmation).

Failure to pay may result in TTW taking further action which includes but is not

limited to further charges and/or details being passed to debt collection agencies.

TTW reserves the right to charge an administration fee for any late payment notices which TTW sends to the Partner in the event of late payment. TTW also reserves the right to cancel any discount that TTW may have offered to the Partner, to alter payment terms and/or to suspend or cancel future deliveries in the case of late payment.

Payments should be made by wire transfer to the account as detailed on TTW invoice.


TTW reserves the right to cancel   or   suspend   the   order   at   any   time   if   the Partner becomes bankrupt or insolvent, enters into any arrangement with their creditors, or becomes a company that goes into liquidation or is being wound-up, or becomes a partnership which is being dissolved or if, in TTW reasonable opinion, one of the aforementioned events is likely to occur. The Partner must notify TTW in writing immediately if any one of the aforementioned events occurs.

In such cases the Partner shall become liable to pay the total value of the order if the product has been dispatched or a restocking charge of 5% of the order value.

If TTW’s reputation and/or company standards are being damaged while continuing a business relationship, TTW also reserves the right to terminate the relationship with 30 days’ notice.


Wholesale and recommended retail prices may fluctuate due to market forces and TTW reserves the right to alter them periodically. 30-day notice will be given to all Partners prior to any price changes.

Discounts cannot be applied by the Partner to TTW products without TTW prior written consent.


TTW does not provide refunds or exchange for change of mind, so please choose carefully.

The Partner must notify TTW immediately if the Partner finds any of TTW products supplied to be defective in any way (which must be no later than 48 hours of receipt of the order) and allow TTW an opportunity to investigate.

Where TTW has agreed that the products are defective then TTW will supply suitable replacement products free of charge and arrange for the return of defective products.

TTW does not accept the return of faulty items that have been opened or used.


The Partner is permitted to resell the retail products to consumers only at specified locations or store branded websites. Any changes to such locations will require TTW prior written consent or permission thereof. If approved, the Partner must ensure the overall look and feel of its web shop on which the retail products are sold reflects a premium quality image.

The Partner is not allowed to sell stock, designed for professional use.


TTW reserves the right to protect its brand and determine where TTW products and treatments/retreats are sold. TTW must be notified prior to products being advertised through/on third party partners. TTW retail and professional use products cannot be sold in marketplaces such as eBay, AliExpress, Amazon, Bol.com, etc. and TTW reserves the right to block any of TTW products from being advertised on such sites. Failure to notify TTW and obtain prior agreement will result in sanctions placed on product availability, future order cancellation and/or further legal action being taken to have these items removed from third party sellers/marketplaces.

The Partner agrees that TTW retail products will be sold by the Partner direct to consumers and not in bulk to entities for the purposes of reselling.

Where TTW has reasonable grounds to believe that the Partner has acted in breach of these Terms and Conditions TTW may forthwith withdraw TTW permission for the Partner to sell TTW products and the Partner will no longer be entitled to sell TTW products and to use TTW logo.


International property rights mean all patents, registered and unregistered designs, copyright, trademarks, know-how and all other forms of intellectual   property anywhere in the world.


All materials on any of TTW websites, training- and social media platforms, treatment and training manuals and protocols, product guides and brochures are copyright of TTW and may not be shared or reproduced without TTW prior written permission.

All designs are protected by international rights of copyright. Any use of copyrighted material without prior notice and agreement from TTW will be considered a breach of copyright and legal action will be taken.

The Partner will not, without TTW prior written consent, allow any of TTW logos or trademarks or other words or marks applied to TTW products to be obliterated, covered, obscured or omitted. Similarly, the Partner may not add any additional words or marks to the original wording or content.

No delay or failure on TTW part to enforce TTW rights or remedies under these terms and conditions shall constitute a waiver on TTW part of such rights and remedies unless such waiver is confirmed in writing.

TTW ask that the Partners do not include TTW in their Google AdWords without permission.


TTW is the owner of all Intellectual Property Rights in the mark “TTW” and in the individually styled letter/symbol “ | “ between The and Tides including any derivation thereof. The Partner hereby acknowledge such ownership rights and agree that the Partner has no right or claim to the mark and brand name. The Partner acknowledges that TTW places significant value on the   Intellectual Property Rights in the “TTW” mark and brand name and hereby undertakes that it shall not at any time use the “TTW” mark and brand name or any derivation of the same other than as expressly agreed with TTW and in accordance with these terms and conditions. The Partner agrees not to use any trademarks, names or logos which are the same or confusingly similar to or infringe the “TTW” mark. The Partner must promptly notify TTW in writing of any breach of this clause.

All advertising of TTW products requires the prior written consent of TTW. The Partner is hereby granted a non-exclusive, revocable, royalty free license to use the mark “TTW” on advertisements which have been approved by TTW only for the duration of the particular advertising campaign.


TTW provides a wholesale account login for its website, inside which the Partner can access a library of high-resolution photos that the Partner can use to promote TTW products and treatments/retreats on the Partner websites and/or any social media. Please note that these images remain the sole property of TTW and that TTW has final say on the usage of images. Except for TTW images available in the above-mentioned library on TTW’ website, it is not permitted to copy, reproduce, share, publish or distribute any other images from TTW websites.

All images published on social media channels featuring TTW threads must include tags @thetideswellness and #thetideswellness. Failure to continually not tag the TTW brand may result in TTW cancelling the Partner’s wholesale account. Images taken from TTW social media channels must also include @thetideswellness and #thetideswellness tags and permission from customers posting them. TTW takes no responsibility for the images the Partner shares on social media.


TTW brand name in combination with treatment and retreat names will be mentioned in spa/wellness menu written descriptions on both web and printed material. TTW treatment/retreats descriptions in all property collateral will have written approval from TTW before being published.


TTW offers it’s TTW treatment training programs to its partners who wish to add TTW treatments/retreats to their menu. Partners are welcome to participate in TTW online program and training courses in the Netherlands, including regular refresher updates. For dates and costs, please contact TTW. On-site training is also available as per clients’ request.   Complimentary Training is offered but depends on the value of the opening and/ or annual order.

Any therapist who will be working with the products and the treatment protocols of TTW treatments/retreats must be trained accordingly and demonstrate sufficient brand knowledge for successful implementation thereof. The Partner will ensure that its therapists understand the commitment needed from them to learn the techniques and ensure that they attend the whole training. The therapist is expected to have an excellent knowledge of muscle and skeletal anatomy. The specific training of the techniques and performing of the treatment, the application and use of the product and knowledge of the products, brand as well as both benefits of treatments/retreats and products are vital tools for everyone involved. From reception to therapists, TTW recommends that everyone understands the full story behind the brand.


Testers. TTW will provide testers (with exception of the accessories and Bath Soaks as the ingredients in the soaks are highly hygroscopic) for free, depending on the minimum opening order.

Collateral Allocation. Thereafter, in appreciation of each repeat retail order, TTW shall offer a selection of free of charge point of sales (brochures/flyers); and product testers to the value of 4% of the total net value of the repeat retail order. If unused, collateral allocation cannot be accrued; carried over to another order; or placed as a credit.

TTW will provide merchandising guidelines, to be followed at all times. Point of Sales material will also be made available, charges to be discussed with TTW depending on the turnover achieved.


TTW has the right to refuse a Partner or cancel a Partner’s order if a Partner is misleading information in any way or form. TTW may do this at any time if TTW brand is being represented in the wrong way.


The Partner undertakes and agrees with TTW that the Partner will keep secret and confidential all pricing and other confidential information provided by TTW and/or to which the Partner is permitted to have access.

The Partner may not disclose to any third-party confidential information including, but not limited to, technical, commercial, financial or operational data (i.e., agreement, pricing, product formulae, treatments/retreats including treatment protocols) whether written (including information contained in electronic format) or oral. The Partner may only use the information solely in connection with the implementation of the agreement and not for its own benefit or that of a third party.

TTW will retain exclusive interest in, and ownership of its training, products, treatments/retreats manuals and protocols and all intellectual property related thereto. An agreement transfers none of TTW s’ right, title or interest in and to the services and confidential information (as defined above). TTW hereby grant to the Partner a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and royalty-free license to use the services and related intellectual property solely during the term and within the scope of the specific underlying agreement and for the purpose to make use of the services.

The Partner hereby represents and warrants that it will not use or sell at the Spa any products that compete with the TTW brand products under any circumstance. The Partner hereby represents and warrants that it will not manufacture, sell any fake or counterfeit products, or any other products infringing the IPR of TTW and the manufacturer of the products.

During the term of the agreement, The Partner will ensure that its employees involved in the use of the services comply with all obligations arising from the agreement. The Partner makes appropriate agreements with employees who leave employment during the term of the agreement, specifically with regard to the use of TTW’s intellectual property and its confidential information.


TTW shall not be liable for any failure to deliver or delay in delivery of the Products arising from circumstances outside its control, including but not limited to lockouts, fire, accidents, defective materials, delays in receipt of raw materials or bought-in goods or components.

TTW shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in delivering the Products where such failure arises as a result of any act or omission which is outside or beyond the reasonable control of TTW or those of a third party.

TTW shall not be held liable for third party misrepresentations of TTW products and treatments/retreats or third-party fraudulent misrepresentations.

If TTW fails to comply with the agreement, then TTW ‘s liability is limited to what has been arranged in this provision.

TTW is not liable for damage, of whatever nature, caused by TTW based on incorrect and/or incomplete data provided by or on behalf of the Partner and for damage suffered because the Partner does not adhere to the storage conditions, good hygiene, applicable instructions. and/or protocols while using the products and/or services.

The Partner is responsible for (demonstrably) informing the customer prior to treatment or the application of the products, in order to assess and ensure that there are no medical or other reasons (such as allergies) that could lead to damage resulting from the treatment and/or use of the products.

TTW ‘s total liability is in all cases limited to a maximum of the invoice value of the part of the order to which the liability relates.

The liability of TTW is in any case always limited to the amount paid out by the insurer, where appropriate.

TTW is only liable for direct damage. Direct damage is exclusively understood to mean the reasonable costs to determine the cause and extent of the damage, insofar as the determination relates to damage within the meaning of these terms and conditions, any reasonable costs incurred to ensure the defective performance of TTW comply with the agreement, insofar as these can be attributed to TTW and reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit damage, insofar as the Partner demonstrates that these costs have led to limitation of direct damage as referred to in these General Terms and Conditions.

TTW shall never be liable for indirect damages, including incidental, special or consequential damages of the Partner howsoever caused, regardless   of   whether these claims are based on breach of contract, tort or any other ground, including but not limited to lost profits, loss of goodwill, reputation, trade or contracts, lost savings and damage due to business interruption.

Liability for damage against which the Partner is already insured is at all times excluded by TTW.

The limitation or exclusion of TTW ‘s liability as set out in this article does not apply if the damage is the result of intent, gross negligence or willful recklessness on the part of TTW.

  1. BY LAW

TTW agreement and these terms and conditions shall be governed by, and construed in all respects in accordance with, the laws of the Netherlands and all disputes, actions and other matters relating thereto shall be determined in accordance with such laws. All disputes arising out of these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved informally by way of mutual consultation between the parties. If the parties cannot reach an agreement by consultation, the dispute shall be referred for independent arbitration by the parties. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties


In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of articles 10 and 15 the Partner shall be liable to TTW for an immediately due and payable penalty of EUR 10.000 per breach and EUR 5.000 for each day on which the breach continues, without prejudice to any other rights provided for by law or under these terms and conditions and underlying agreements such as the right to specific performance, the right to an injunction or the right to claim damages in lieu of this penalty.

Any variation on the general terms and conditions will form part of the commercial terms, as outlined in the Trade Agreement, provided by the TTW and shall only be binding where it is agreed in writing by both parties.


These are the trading terms and conditions of The|Tides Wellness, and no amendments may be made by the Partner to this document.

Seaweed and Algae | Pure, potent and powerful
The seaweed that we use in our formulation is sustainably and ethically sourced on land along the coastline. It 100% organic, thus preserving its nutritional content and undergoes no chemical treatment, contains no preservatives.

The seaweed grows in seawater pools which mimic the marine environment. Clear seawater is pumped from the depths of the sea and after a cleansing filtering process it flows into the seaweed growing pools. The seaweed grows in mineral rich unpolluted seawater and is divided into age groups; the ‘Baby House, the Children’s House’ and the ‘Adults ‘. The unique pools imitate the conditions in the sea, the pools are open to the sun and condensers in the water create wave-like movements. After the growing process is completed, the water is pumped back to the sea. The seaweed’s organic growth is monitored according to recognized international standards

About Seaweed

Seaweed and human plasma are almost identical in their chemical composition. It contains an abundance of minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants and amino acids (especially iodine). Seaweed is known for its slimming and body toning properties, it promotes detoxification, is deeply hydrating and soothing for the skin and can aid in relieving topical skin conditions. Due to its rich mineral content it is a natural stress buster and relieves muscles pain and tense joints.
Magnesium Chloride | The ultimate relaxation and feel good mineral

The Source

The magnesium in our formulas is a true Dutch original. Originating from a 250-million-year-old evaporated sea from the Pangea Era it is sustainably sourced by just using water pressure. As the magnesium has never been exposed to modern day pollution, this unique in the world magnesium is certainly the most pure and natural source of magnesium chloride in the world known to date.

About magnesium

The magnesium chloride molecule is the same molecule that is present in seawater and in our bodies. It controls hundreds of chemical reactions in the body; the production and transport of energy, synthesis of protein and is essential for transmission of nerve signals, muscle function, healthy DNA, blood pressure regulation and blood sugar uptake. It is in an important mineral to keep our brains and bodies strong. When our magnesium levels dip and become low we can feel stressed, fatigued, as well as experience sleep deprivation and skin disorders can occur too. Think about magnesium as the ultimate relaxation and feel good mineral which our bodies need to operate optimally. If our magnesium levels are perfectly balanced it can make us feel like we are on top of the world.

Can magnesium can be absorbed through the skin?

If molecules are small enough, they can slip through the skin. A molecule smaller than 500 Daltons, can drift through the stratum corneum, the outer layer of the skin - the 500 Dalton rule. Magnesium Chloride ions are significantly smaller than 500 Daltons, at an atomic mass of just 24 Daltons.

Grey Sea Salt | A mineral powerhouse
The Source

As we take no short-cuts with our ingredients we researched many different salts and consciously choose grey sea salt. Not only is this salt sustainably farmed but also hand-harvested using a traditional ancient 2000 years old method. This tradition of craftsmanship has been passed down from generation to generation of salt marsh workers and is still used today.

 How does it work?

Mineral-rich ocean water is channeled through an ingenious channel system to shallow clay swamps acting as a natural purification method, as microbes in the clay neutralize impurities in the seawater. Tests show that the salt is 100 % pollution free due to this time-honored natural purification system. After a journey of 2 weeks in the channels, the salt is collected at one of the many ancient sea beds where it evaporates by the sun, leaving only the salt crystals with over 80 vital trace minerals and electrolytes. As the salt is not washed but sun dried, the refined mineral balance remains completely intact. Many other sea salts are bleached, chemically derived and oven dried which means that many of their vital bioavailable nutrients get lost.

About Grey Sea  Salt

Grey sea salt contains over 80+ vital minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper. Bathing in raw grey sea salt helps to detoxify, condition and heal the skin; it increases circulation, draws out impurities, cleanses the skin pores, removes dead skin cells, leaving the skin soft and thoroughly cleansed. It’s amazing mineral content helps to restore the protective skin barrier of the skin, helps to enhance hydration and greatly aides in reducing inflammation. That’s why people with inflammatory skin conditions are often advised to swim in the sea as part of their treatment. Grey sea salt is also a great source of electrolytes, which plays an important role in the nervous system. They are vital for our brain, heart and muscle health. Grey Sea Salt can easily be absorbed through the skin through bathing.
Sea Clay | The Noblest of Clays

The Source

Our clay is sustainably and ethically mined, undergoes no chemical treatment, contains no preservatives and is sun dried which not only preserves its rich mineral content but also does not reject Co2 in the atmosphere. The often oven dried and cheap versions available on the market loose many of its mineral content. The particle size of our clay is only 20 µm which easily dissolves in water and does not clog the drain, when used in a bath. 

About Sea Clay

The clay that we use in our bath formulations contain over 80+ minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, silica, manganese, phosphorous, copper and selenium and has been used for thousands of years by many civilizations for its cleansing, purifying, re-mineralizing and balancing properties. Bathing is Sea Clay has a cleansing and purifying effect. The ionic charge of our clay is 100% negative and adsorbs and absorbs positive charged ions. Almost everything that attacks our bodies like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxic chemicals, is of a positive ionic charge. With its negative charge and very fine texture it draws out the positive charged impurities and toxins while releasing its minerals and trace elements into contact with the skin. Due to its rich mineral content it naturally eases sore muscles, relieves tension in joints and combats fatigue.
Only use your jade roller on a clean face. Before your start rolling apply a few drops of the Pure Radiance | Face Oil  on your face, neck and chest. Follow the steps hereafter.

Roll lightly do not press too firmly. Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the roller and start again from the starting point. Don’t roll backwards. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Start with the large sized stone on your chest and roll along your skin with outward and upward strokes moving towards the lymph.

Move up to the base of the neck rolling with the large size stone upwards to the jawline.

Chin, Jawline
Continue with the large size stone from the middle of the chin and roll under the chin and on the jawline with outward and upward strokes towards the ear.

Roll with the small size stone under, up and above the lips with outward and upward strokes toward the ear.

Roll from the large size stone from the nose outwards toward the ear.

Under Eye and Eye lid
Start with the small size stone at the inner corner of the eye and move very gently to the temple.

Follow  the contour of your eyebrow  with the small size stone and roll outwards and down to the temple.

Start at the middle of your forehead and roll with the large size stone upwards and outwards towards the hairline.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Clean your jade roller with warm water and soap after use, dry with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.
Only use the Jade stone on a clean face. Before your start apply a few drops of  Pure Radiance | Face Oil on your face and neck, warm the Jade stone up between your hands.  Follow the steps hereafter.

It is important to always keep the stone flat against your skin and perform light and long strokes, do not put too much pressure on the stone. Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the stone and start again from the starting point. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face. Always us lightly and give a tiny wiggle at the end of the movement to support removal of waste under the skin.

Start at the neck and sweep up gently toward the jawline.

Chin , Jawline and Mouth area
Move up to the middle of your chin and sweep the area that’s right under your chin with outward and upwards strokes toward the bottom of your ear.
Continue from the area under your lip sweep on your jawline with outward and upwards strokes toward the bottom of your ear.
Continue from the middle of the upper lip and sweep with outward and upwards strokes toward your ear.

Start from the side of your nose and sweep across your cheeks and underneath the cheekbones with outward and upwards strokes toward the hairline.

Under Eye
Sweep very gently under your eye from the inner corner of the eye and move very lightly  to the temple.

Follow the contour of your eyebrow and sweep lightly outward down to the temple staying on the brow bone.

Start from the area right between your eyebrows (third eye) Sweep lightly upwards towards the hairline and continue to go down on the hairline and down to the jawline to the collarbone.
Continue from the middle of your forehead and gently sweep right above your eyebrows, towards your temple down to the jawline to the collarbone.

Sweeping down all the way to the collarbone is important to collect the lymph you moved to the side of your face so that it moves towards the lymphatic drainage points.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Clean your jade stone with warm water and soap after use, dry with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.
Always use the cups on a clean face. Before your start, apply a very generous amount of the Pure Radiance | Face Oil on your face and neck, this is important for good and safe suction and gliding. DON'T let the cup sit in one place, as that can cause bruising. Keep it moving!  Follow the steps hereafter carefully as the lymphatic drainage in every step is most important.

Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the cup and start again from the starting point. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Chin, Jawline and Cheeks
Put the large cup under the midpoint of your chin and move the cup outward and upwards towards the ear and down to the jawline to the collarbone.  Apply a little jiggle to stimulate the lymph at the of the movement.
Continue with the jawline and the cheeks, move the cup outward and upwards strokes toward the hairline and down to the collarbone. Apply a little jiggle to stimulate the lymph at the of the movement. 

Mouth area
Move the small cup around the mouth area and lips.

Under Eye
Move with the small cup very gently under your eye and move very lightly  to the temple and down to the jaw to the collarbone.

Start from the area right between your eyebrows (third eye) Move lightly upwards towards the hairline and continue to go down on the hairline and down to the jawline to the collarbone.
Continue from the middle of your forehead and gently move the cup right above your eyebrows, towards your temple down to the jawline to the collarbone.

Moving down all the way to the collarbone is important to collect the lymph you moved to the side of your face towards the lymphatic drainage.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face. As facial cupping is an intensive treatment only do it once a week.

Soak the cups in warm water and soap after use, dry them with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.
The|Tides BrainBody Wellness Treatment Training Program

At The|Tides we believe that wellness treatments need a personalized holistic approach, tuned on one’s physical, mental and emotional state of being.  Born from our many years of (clinical) experience and expertise, we developed the BrainBody Wellness methodology, a series of new generation wellness treatments that can be personalized to the needs of the individual and that goes beyond the many one-fits-it-all concepts and often wellness washed approaches. 

The BrainBody Wellness methodology is an innovative framework for an integrated way of working and thinking around the psychosomatic body that takes a holistic, paramedic and trans-disciplinary approach to wellness. This integrated approach, based on a clear theoretical and scientifically backed foundation teaches professionals how to raise the quality and outcome of their wellness treatments to a higher level by learning how to work in a result-oriented way through specific knowledge about the multi directional connection of the brain-body-microbiome pathways.   It offers a conceptual and therapeutic framework for therapists that are confronted with the sometimes complex but also intriguing psychosomatic body. The psychosomatic body can shift in different stages of being, often triggered by the challenges of living modern life, which can have disharmonious effects on the various systems that keep us physically, mentally and emotionally balanced, resilient and healthy. We teach professionals how to recognize these different stages of being and the related complaints   and how to customize their treatment approaches accordingly.  

We developed a series of high-quality wellness approaches with clear steps and guidelines that together with targeted wellness products ensure quality and can lead to amazing treatment outcomes if sufficient knowledge and practical skills are gained during training. All of The|Tides wellness approaches are themed around the 21st century challenges designed with the modern wellness consumers in mind, looking for innovative wellness approaches to:

de-stress from the fast-paced life
restore physical, mental and emotional balance while regaining strength and resilience
detoxify from urban stressors, digital overload and environmental pollution
improve skin health
relieve high muscle tension, fatigue to recharge energy
boost immunity and restore hormonal imbalance
improve sleep quality.

Reduces the wired and tired syndrome. Stimulates and balances autonomic nervous system. Improves BrainBody connection and awareness.  Balances cortisol levels, reduce adrenal fatigue. Improves dopamine and oxytocin levels. Calms a restless and anxious mind and relaxes an overly stressed and tensed body. Improves blood, Qi and lymph flow. Boosts immune, respiratory and lymphatic systems. Improves sleep quality and alleviates jet leg symptoms. Nourishes a dry and stressed skin.

The Healer treatment includes a exfoliation of lower legs and feet, mineral foot bath, magnesium, seaweed and seaclay body mask and infrared body wrapping, haptonomic touch (spinal) breathwork, vagal toning, eye-movement therapy, scalp, face and body  massage including acupressure, moxa therapy, guided stretching, progressive muscle relaxation techniques, and light mobilizations.

Stimulates and balances the autonomic nervous system.  Improves BrainBody connection and awareness. Relieves feelings of stress and anxiety in both the body and the brain. Helps to quiet the mind. Promotes mental clarity, improves focus and concentration. Increases dopamine and oxytocin levels. Aids in relief of tension headaches and migraines. Improves sleep quality. Gives a boost to the immune system. Improves respiratory system.

The BrainBody Hacker treatment includes a magnesium scalp exfoliation (optional*), breathwork, vagal toning, face and scalp massage, myofascial release massage neck and shoulders, trigger point stimulation,  hara breathing and massage, shaking mobilizations and energy work.

*The treatment can be extended with a detoxifying scalp exfoliation to cleanse and increase circulation of oxygen rich blood flow to the scalp. Impurities will be removed from the scalp pores which is key in reducing scalp calcification (the main reason for hair loss). Promotes growth of strong and healthy hair follicles, revitalizes and improves optimal scalp and hair health.
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  
Gracious Tides™️ | Face Treatment
This therapeutic wellness facial incorporates powerful plant and mineral ingredients with high-touch skin therapy to encourage healthy skin functioning and to reduce stress and tension from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders. Learn how myofascial release and Asian inspired muscular massage techniques stretches and lifts up the skin and tissues which improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood and energy (Qi) and encourages lymphatic drainage that helps to move along fluid, toxic and waste. A facial mask - bursting with powerful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids - along with a relaxing hand, arm and feet massage completes the treatment. This deeply invigorating treatment transforms the skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself and creates a state of profound relaxation for a deep chill-out.  